The Story Behind Our Company - Web3 X Webflow TemplateThe Story Behind Our Company - Web3 X Webflow Template

The story and mission behind our company

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Join our team

The values & mantra that drive everything we do

We focus our energies and knowledge on helping people improve their health through technology and we always take care of your privacy

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Your data belongs to you.

Our mission is to help you own and control your data. As a digital health company Bowhead Health we are founded on the belief that your data belongs to you. We develop blockchain-based tools to give you data ownership via encrypted digital wallets to enforce this commitment.

As you probably noticed we never ask you for your email or phone number to sign up to any of our apps. Small technicality yet a major difference from the other 380,000 digital health apps demanding your personal data.

Your data belongs to you and only you, not to governments, companies or hackers. Our mission is to keep you safe, healthy and happy.

If we ever fall short on this mission contact our CEO directly here.


It all started in Canada

Bowhead Health was incubated by a medical doctor, a molecular toxicologist and a game developer. We started in 2016 with a "weird" idea of printing vitamin supplements as a kitchen consumer device. That led us to a hardware prototype we needed to connect to the "cloud" for health data management.

What we discovered was a shocking lack of options to manage health data. This forced us to focus on this massive health data problem. Fortunately, at the same time some smart fellow Canadians invented the Ethereum Smart Contract Protocol to create trustless distributed systems.

The rest is history - we fell in love with thought that one day everyone could securely own their data. Since then we have been lucky to build the Bowhead Platform & Apps with patients, patient associations, public health officials and the worlds largest Top 10 Pharma organizations in over 15 countries.

Bowhead is a leader in digital health. Bowhead Health won 1st Place at Xconomy's Boston Biotech Week Award 2019, HLTH Finalist 2019, 1st Place Eli Lilly's 2020 Global Atopic Dermatitis Challenge, CIX Canada Top 20, 1st Place Roche Canada's EndALS 2021 Machine learning challenge and in 2021 Bowhead was also selected as a Roche Innolab Global Startup.

Today we recognize we are at the start of a movement towards data ownership (currently being called Web3) and we wake up passionately, obsessed with learning, building and improving access to digital health tools that can one day help billions of people. I guess you can still call us "weird" ... we are happy to wear that badge.

We’re driven by our values

We are a small team of under 20 people who believe small teams are some of the most interesting and meaningful places to work. What they lack in size, they make up for with creativity and purpose.

Heart Buoyant | Bowhead Health

Trust and respect

chat Buoyant | Bowhead Health

Easy to communicate

wellbeing Buoyant | Bowhead Health

Build Ethical Systems

Privacy first Buoyant | Bowhead Health
clic Buoyant | Bowhead Health
Global connections Buoyant | Bowhead Health
Make Global Products

A Team Dedicated to Mental Health.

Buoyant was created by Bowhead Health over the last two years and a half to help people live healthier, longer and happier lives. Our team consists of psychologists, certified trauma specialists, a binaural bears engineer for audio and a medical doctors.

Francisco Diaz-Mitoma

CEO & CO-Founder

Tallinn, Estonia

Cesar Diaz



Felipe Garza

Data Scientist


Sergio Suarez

Full Stack Developer


Raul Ziranda

Full Stack Developer


Nicolás Osorio

UX/UI Designer


Emmanuel Cardenas

QA Leader


Science can be fun

We believe that every team member has a genius in them and we embrace culture, creativity and communication. We develop small teams to execute projects that combine design, gamification and scientific-evidence to produce uniquely compelling end user experiences.

As a company founded by scientists, we are fanatical about creating evidence-based experiences and following through with scientific and medical rigor before making any claims. Many of our products are in active discussions and trials with medical centers and hospitals - and if you are also interested in digital therapeutics - please reach out.


We’re here ,there and everywhere

Our office in Ottawa Canada Buoyant | Bowhead Health

Bowhead Health Canada (HQ)

210 Barrow Crescent, Kanata, Ontario, 2L 2C7
Our office on London UK Buoyant | Bowhead Health

Bowhead Health UK

27 Old Gloucester Street
WC1N 3AX London
Our office in santa monica blvd united states Buoyant Bowhead health

Bowhead Health US

608 Strand St
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Get  started with BowheadAI today.
